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Xpace’s Guide To Your Dream Halloweekend

Here at Xpace we know that with busy lives, some of us still being in school and everyone always having something to do, it can be a hassle trying to find something fun to do in your downtime. So instead of giving up on trying to find somewhere to go this weekend and just sleeping


Check out blogTo‘s feature on VSVSVS, an art collective studio and exhibition space in Toronto’s East end.

NEXT EXIT: Le Gallery

If you haven’t already, we highly recommend you go check out NEXT EXIT at Le Gallery. The show features new works by OCAD Alum/former XPACE Programming Coordinator JENNIE SUDDICK and artist COLE SWANSON.“Cole Swanson and Jennie Suddick both reside in Toronto, Ontario, and are simultaneously examining the impact of the Trans-Canada Highway and tourism on