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Miao Xuan Liu

September 15, 2023 - November 11, 2023

Essay by Jessica Félicité Kasiama


Miao Xuan Liu

September 15th – November 11th, 2023

Essay by Jessica Félicité

Taking Eduoard Glissant’s quote “every diaspora is the passage from unity to multiplicity” as a departure point, Yolk explores the cosmological myth as a worldbuilding framework. In the form of a 4 foot tall egg constructed of foam, cardboard, and joint compound, the work is inspired by 1. the Daoist creation figure Pan Gu, who emerged from a cosmic egg and coaxed from within the primordial solution yin and yang to become the earth and sky, respectively, 2. a dream where I laid an egg, and 3. the abject nature of the egg as it relates to the gelatinous, interiors, and formlessness- taken together as a suggestion of the body and its productions. Covered in drawings mythological and mundane in nature, Yolk is an effort to archive contemporary Diasporic notions of time and space. Every Friday for the duration of the exhibit the egg will be reorientated, creating new methods of engagement that activate the Window Space as an intermediary between the gallery and the community beyond.

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Image of a backyard with grass in the forefront, a bike and back awning in the background. In the centre of the image is the profile of a large white half oblong mass. The artists legs and arms are in frame, their right hand holding an orbital sander to the object.

Documentation by Polina Teif.