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Anna Eyler & Nicolas Lapointe

April 6, 2018 - May 5, 2018

Essay by Calin Stefan

Opening Reception: Friday, April 6, 7-11pm

April 6, 2018- May 5, 2018

Opening Reception: Friday, April 6, 7-11pm

Anna Eyler & Nicolas Lapointe

Download Essay by Calin Stefan

Referencing kinetic, department store window displays, no-fluke/no-feed/no-swim/no-play/no-fun reflects on the role of technology and spirituality in contemporary culture. Playing on Mannerist painter Jacopo Pontormo’s famous altarpiece, The Deposition from the Cross (1528), the work employs the form, palette, and two-dimensionality of his painting to evoke the mystical. The positions of the forms change from moment to moment, providing a tangible sense of the passage of time. Their slow movement calls forth the shifting of tectonic plates, conflating day-to-day change with a geological sense of time.

Documentation by Yuula Benivolski