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~COCKY NIGHT IN CANADA~ drag karaoke!!!

XPACE presents….

OHH CANADA we’re back!

Celebrating the hot fusion of Pride and Canada Day, Georgie Bronze and Fab’Angelo invite you to drag your ass out to karaoke! Kick off your shoes and climb into your favorite celebrity skin! Sing your favorites but remember CanCon picks will put you in the running for top ribbon prizes.
Prepare to be ribboned! (for your pleasure) Categories for prizes go as follows:
1. Most Glam-biguous
2. Best costume
3. Best song
4. Biggest bender
5. Best hot mess
6. Best stage presence

Who’s taking home the trophy?! Celine? Snow? Nickleback? Get out there “ladies,” and “gents,” show us what you got!
At XPACE Cultural Centre
58 Ossington Avenue
Sunday, July 1st
7pm – 11pm