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Call For Submissions: Summer Residency

Xpace Cultural Centre is seeking applications for the opportunity to participate in a two-week residency on Toronto Island. The residency is open to undergraduate and graduate students graduating in Spring 2015 from OCAD University.

Artscape Gibraltar Point is located on Toronto Island. Two Artists/Designers and one Writer/Curator will be selected to live and work on the Island from July 31st to August 14th.

The residency provides graduating students dedicated time to make new work which will then be exhibited at Xpace during September 2015.

The selected Writer/Curator will write exhibition essays for each of the selected artists. The essays will be made available during the September exhibitions and included in Xpace’s annual publication, VOLUME.

Studio space and lodging will be covered by Xpace, and participants will be provided an honorarium/materials budget.

The deadline for applications is Friday, April 17, 2015.

If you are interested in applying as an Artist or Designer provide:

1. An artist statement (250-500 words): The statement should give a description of your overall practice as it relates to the project you plan to undertake during the residency.

2. Curriculum Vitae (Max 3 pages): Your CV should include education and exhibition history, as well as any relevant experience, reviews, etc.

3. Visual Support Material with accompanying Support Material List (5-10 images/other files): Maintain consistent labeling of your image files (Ex. JSmith_FlowerPainting.jpg). Send jpeg, mov and/or mp3/mp4 files only. We do not accept Powerpoint or PDF files for image submissions. Video and audio files should be a maximum of 3-5 minutes in total. Make sure that all files are Mac compatible.

If you are interested in applying as Writer/Curator please provide:

1. A research statement (250-500 words): The statement should give a description of your overall practice as it relates to the research you plan to undertake during the residency.

2. Curriculum Vitae (Max 3 pages): Your CV should include education and exhibition history, as well as any relevant experience, reviews, etc.

3. Up to 3 samples of past publications or writing: all samples included should have been completed over the 2014-2015 year. Please provide samples in pdf format.

Please mail or drop off submissions to: Xpace Cultural Centre, 2-303 Lansdowne Ave, Toronto, ON M6K 2W5 c/o Residency Application Committee.

Applications may also be submitted electronically to ATTN Residency Application Committee.

Submissions must be received by 5 pm on Friday, April 17, 2015.