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Eve Tagny,

October 26, 2018 -

Essay by Bishara Elmi

October 26 – December 1, 2018

Opening Reception: Friday, October 26th, 7-10 pm

Eve Tagny

Download Essay by Bishara Elmi

In the garden, mourning ceases to exist, it’s the gardeners’ luck: they concern themselves with the present and think about future seasons.” claimed famed landscape architect Pascal Cribier. A garden simultaneously encompasses all stages of disappearance and of growth, therefore being a space of constant becoming. Driven by the mourners’ pressing need to materialize absence, Sanctuaries presents a garden filled with humble memorial monuments, acts of remembrance anchored in natural substances and spaces. Photographic images, here treated as testaments and vestiges of personal and collective memory, are intertwined with natural materials − soil, stones and wild flowers − as to reintegrate the natural cycle, mend traumatic ruptures caused by loss and reinstate a sense of normalcy and continuity.

Documentation by Polina Teif